Σύντομα "πιπεράτα" κείμενα κοινωνικό-ψυχολογικού προβληματισμού του Καθηγητή Γιώργου Πιπερόπουλου / Short "peppery" texts of socio-psychological concens by Professor Georgios Piperopoulos
Παρασκευή 9 Μαρτίου 2012
Πέμπτη 8 Μαρτίου 2012
One “bravo” doesn’t… hurt!..
The title of this brief article does not conceal any irony whatsoever but originates in the need I felt the to say "bravo" to the appropriate people after reading the letter I received from The Ministry of Economics announcing a Census for ALL of us retired State and Public employees. We are asked to appear in person with this letter and an official identity card or a passport to the personnel of the Bank where the Government deposits each month our pension payment...
Ένα «μπράβο» δεν…βλάπτει!..
Ο τίτλος μου δεν υποκρύπτει καμία διάθεση ειρωνείας αλλά ειλικρινά αισθάνθηκα την ανάγκη να πω ένα «μπράβο» στους αρμόδιους αφού διάβασα τη σχετική επιστολή με την οποία το Υπουργείο Οικονομικών ζητά (ΑΠΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΑ) από ΟΛΟΥΣ εμάς τους συνταξιούχους του Δημοσίου να παρουσιαστούμε ΑΥΤΟΠΡΟΣΩΠΩΣ έχοντας στα χέρια μας την συγκεκριμένη επιστολή και ταυτότητα ή διαβατήριο στην Τράπεζα όπου κατατίθεται η μηνιαία μας σύνταξη…
Τετάρτη 7 Μαρτίου 2012
Έχασαν οι λέξεις τα νοήματά τους!..
Δημοσιεύθηκε στα blogs 5-6/ Μαρτίου/ 2012
Κάποιες λέξεις στήν τόσο πλούσια ελληνική γλώσσα χρειάζεται να επαναπροσδιορισθούν καθώς, και δεν γνωρίζω εάν είναι από λάθος η από πρόθεση, με τη ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑΤΙΚΗ βοήθεια των Πολιτικών μας ΑΡΧΗΓΩΝ και των ανδρών και γυναικών που αθροίζονται στους 300 της Βουλής, τα μηνύματα που μεταφέρουν έχουν χάσει την αρχική τους σημασιολογία, τι εννοούσαν, τι σήμαιναν, τι υποδήλωναν!
Η ελλαδική πορεία στο χωροχρόνο, δεν αποτελεί καταγραφή μιας ευθείας που στοχεύει επίμονα και ασάλευτα προς το μέλλον. Υπήρξαν και θα συνεχίσουν να υπάρχουν, όπως συμβαίνει και με άλλους λαούς εξίσου ή λιγότερο «ιστορικούς» (με την έννοια της χρονικής τους παρουσίας στη γη) αποτυχίες, λοξοδρομήσεις, λαθεμένες στροφές και στασιμότητα-τελμάτωση... Η διαπίστωση, όμως, ότι υπάρχει στασιμότητα, έλλειψη προόδου, ΔΕΝ πρέπει να μας στερήσει την αισιοδοξία θανατώνοντας την μεγάλη υπόθεση της ελπίδας!
Τρίτη 6 Μαρτίου 2012
The words have lost their meanings!..
Published in the Greek blogs (Greek text) 5-6/ March/ 2012
Some words in the rich Greek language need to be redefined since, and I do not know if this is accidental or intentional, with the systematic help of our political leaders and the men and women who add up to the 300 members of the Greek National Parliament, the meanings and messages they were carrying have lost their intrinsic meanings, their denotations, connotations and what they originally suggested! progress in historic times has not been recorded on a stable and persistent line targeting the future. There have been and will continue to exist, as is the case with other people equally or less "historical" (in regards to the time their presence on earth has been recorded) setbacks, detours, wrong turns and stagnation. Determining today that there is stagnation, lack of progress, should not deprive us of optimism should not kill the promise that hope carries!
In Greece It is widely assumed that only a few weeks separate us from the coming historically critical and crucial National elections scheduled in late April or early May (I am puzzled by the fact that our politicians did not take care to avoid a painful reminder of the month of May 2010 when they invited the Troika to Greece denuding our financial drama and handing over National wealth and Sovereign rights to the "loan sharks", i.e. our lenders.)
The "back and forth" trips betweenAthens and Brussels are very frequent for Vice Prime Minister of PASOK and Finance Minister Prof Venizelos, and the Prime Minister, Dr Papademos (in this new, "supposedly" national salvation Government which has a minute participation of the New Democracy Party and none of the LAOS Party).
In Greece It is widely assumed that only a few weeks separate us from the coming historically critical and crucial National elections scheduled in late April or early May (I am puzzled by the fact that our politicians did not take care to avoid a painful reminder of the month of May 2010 when they invited the Troika to Greece denuding our financial drama and handing over National wealth and Sovereign rights to the "loan sharks", i.e. our lenders.)
The "back and forth" trips between
Δευτέρα 5 Μαρτίου 2012
My "Paranoid scenario of ingenuity & political cunning?"...Vindicated?
I occasionally receive e-mails from friends outside Greece who would like to see some of my articles in English (since as second and third generation Greeks) their Greek is not so good as to enable them to read and understand them properly…I have had specific requests for the two articles below and I tried hurriedly to translate them (submitting my apologies for possible errors in my English text)
The beginning of my…vindication?
Published in the Greek blogs on February 29 and March 1, 2012
Before the symbolic ink of my article published in the Greek blogs “dried“, reading in his electronic newsletter the following excerpt from a speech delivered in the House of Parliament by professor Venizelos Vice President and Minister of Finance in the "Coalition Government" (PASOK – New Democracy without the presence of the LAOS party which resigned from it) and referring to New Democracy’s Chairman Mr Samaras I was frankly surprised with what seemed to me as “the beginning of my… vindication! ...
Before the symbolic ink of my article published in the Greek blogs “dried“, reading in his electronic newsletter the following excerpt from a speech delivered in the House of Parliament by professor Venizelos Vice President and Minister of Finance in the "Coalition Government" (PASOK – New Democracy without the presence of the LAOS party which resigned from it) and referring to New Democracy’s Chairman Mr Samaras I was frankly surprised with what seemed to me as “the beginning of my… vindication! ...
"... The deeper cause for which our partners are skeptical and require prerequisite actions and new prerequisite actions and commitments and again more commitments is because they have no confidence in exactly what Mr. Samaras says…They are not convinced that his constant tergiversation, ambivalence, uncertainty, vagueness, continuous change of strategic lines and options can ensure the country's future .... "
May I remind you of my previous article entitled "Paranoid scenario of ingenuity & political cunning?" and invite you to take a look below?
Δημοσιεύθηκε στα blogs 3-4/ Μαρτίου/2012
Η καθημερινή πραγματικότητα της ζωής μας μέσα στα πολύβουα, πολυπρόσωπα και συνάμα απρόσωπα αστικοβιομηχανικά μας κέντρα και μαζί οι αμέτρητες χαρές, πίκρες, συγκρούσεις, απογοητεύσεις και πιέσεις ψυχοσυναισθηματικής και κοινωνικοοικονομικής φύσεως ασκούν πάνω μας συνεχές και ανελέητο στρες. Και, όμως, παρά το έντονο στρες που δεχόμαστε, οι περισσότεροι φαίνεται ότι « ...τα φέρνουμε βόλτα» επώδυνα μεν αλλά αποτελεσματικά και συνεχίζουμε τη ζωή μας ανταποκρινόμενοι στις υποκειμενικές και αντικειμενικές υπαρξιακές και κοινωνικές απαιτήσεις.
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